Alicia Robang

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Alicia is currently a PhD candidate at Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, specializing in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Her field of interests and specialization includes designer protein assemblies, molecular dynamics simulation, structural biology, and chemical process design.

What is your most exciting research experience?

“I love communicating my science! While it can be tiring preparing for a talk or a poster session, I feel fulfilled when I know the people I talk to have learned even a little about my research work.”

Why did you join SIDHI?

“I joined SIDHI to help develop the next generations of young Filipino Scientists. There is so, so much talent in the Philippines, yet opportunities to help develop students into researchers are limited.”

What piece of advice can you give to an aspiring young Filipino Scientist?

“Use your network! Seek help when you need it. Reach out to people doing cool science and pick their brains. Strive to grow as a scientist who can communicate and collaborate with others. You will learn so much in the process.”

What is your hope for the future of Science in the Philippines, and Science as a whole?

“My hope is for young Filipino Scientists to use their science to produce something good - to use science to heal, help, and advocate for technology that benefits everybody.”